Herff Jones Adviser Assistance
How to do photos in a pandemic
If you missed it, the Pivot Project Live session: Find Your Focus should be your first stop. Pro advisers and photographers Jed Palmer (Sierra MS, CO) and Mike Simons (Corning-Painted Post HS, NY) presented so many helpful ways to navigate photography in pandemic situations. They even covered how to organize and clean staff cameras.
Portrait pages: Jed and Mike talked about ideas for dealing with portraits — while some schools are business as usual, others are already deciding to do selfie submissions. We’re here to tell you that it can be (and has been) done. Click to download this collection of non-traditional portrait pages.
Solution on the horizon: Our programmers are actively working on a software solution that will allow you to accept DIY portraits from parents and process them to build portrait pages. So, stay tuned for more!
Directions for moms: One of our great reps shared this PDF with us with very specific directions on how to take a portrait at home.
Remember, there are no hard and fast rules on when to submit portrait pages. (A middle deadline sounds good to us.)
And, don’t stress. All of the experienced advisers want their newer colleagues to know they are not alone. “We can’t hold ourselves to past milestones and benchmarks,” Simons said. “I’ve never felt more like a rookie, even when I was a rookie,” Palmer said.
You’ve got this!
Use it to gather photos from parents, students and yearbook staffers. It’s built into eDesign and helps you stay organized. And here are some social media graphics to help you get the word out.
They’re simply the best resource available for this school year like no other.
Check out this new section on YearbookDiscoveries.com. There’s a ton of new things to download.
There’s more photo help: Check out the quick videos in the Pivot section of the curriculum. And there’s loads more in the Cameras and Photos section.
Need to rewind? All of our Adviser Assistance emails are available on their own page.
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DID YOU KNOW? The same documents available on LearnYBK.com are also available on Google Drive. The answer keys are there as well.
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