Herff Jones Adviser Assistance
Increase coverage with great mugshots
They might seem simple, but taking a good close-up head-and-shoulders photo is not as easy as it looks. Start with this helpful guide and follow with lots of practice.
Great headshots are the backbone of modular design. You absolutely need stellar dominant photos, but look at how few people are covered in those main photos. You can add five to 10 more people to every spread with headshots. If your staffers are asking questions for mods or alternative copy, they can take headshots at the same time.
  1. Vocabulary treasure-trove: We collected all of the yearbook vocabulary into one section and one place online. Check out section 12 Words to Know.

  2. Ladder, ladder on the wall: There are lots of tricks for tracking coverage and keeping your staff’s yearbook life in order. Check out the ideas on pages 25-28 of Covering Your School. And also, think about using Task Manager. Time you spend now on getting organized will pay off on deadline day.

  3. What’s your angle: Now that your ladder is firming up, go through those every-year topics and brainstorm new angles. Decide what deserves a mod and what needs a longer story. See pages 6-9 of Covering Your School.
Perfect positioning sells books: Pricing is so important. If you’re not sure how it’s done, check out pages 12–13 of Selling your Book. Here’s the gist:
  • Many schools set three prices.
  • Your highest price sets the value for your book. That’s the “regular price.”
  • Lower prices are discounts or sales.
  • Keep your messaging positive. Focus on the discount, not the price going up later.
Looking for an easy assignment to grade? Use the PowerPoint and assign the vocabulary on Covering your School pages 4–5 to your students and then use this quiz. Voila.
Herff Jones Curriculum
Purchase the 12-piece printed curriculum set here.
Herff Jones Sales Assist
Need help selling your book? Check out Sales Assist.
Herff Jones Task Manager
Stay ahead of the work with Task Manager.
Herff Jones Task Manager
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DID YOU KNOW? The same documents available on LearnYBK.com are also available on Google Drive. The answer keys are there as well.
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