Herff Jones Adviser Assistance
Just download these spreads, and fill those pages
Hooray! The first installment of free, downloadable spreads and pages is ready for your use. When you click the links on the page, folders with PDFs and JPGs in all three trim sizes automatically go to your downloads folder. The downloads page will remain accessible from YearbookDiscoveries.com and the Pivot Project page on LearnYBK.com.
You’ve downloaded the spreads. Now what? Click here for a video that shows you exactly what to do.
1. It’s design time! Help your editors and team leaders keep track of details with this spread checklist.
2. And grades are probably due, too. So, make sure to check out this spread grading rubric.
3. But don’t stop there. There are plenty of other rubrics to make your life easier in the Welcome section of the curriculum. It’s always good to make a list and check it twice, when deadlines are coming to town.
eDesign News and Notes
eDesign News and Notes
We’ve gotten feedback from parents who don’t believe their school will actually have a yearbook this year. Can you believe it!? Make sure you are getting the word out to parents: There WILL be a yearbook, and it will be awesome. Then send them right over to Yearbook Order Center to make their purchase.
In case no one told you, it’s common practice in the advising game to never reveal your true plant deadlines to your students. Set up mini deadlines, and leave yourself plenty of time to review spreads before they are submitted.
Need to rewind? All of our Adviser Assistance emails are available on their own page.
Herff Jones Curriculum
Purchase the 12-piece printed curriculum set here.
Herff Jones Sales Assist
Need help selling your book? Check out Sales Assist.
Herff Jones Task Manager
Stay ahead of the work with Task Manager.
Herff Jones Task Manager
Save time with Online Ad Creation.
DID YOU KNOW? The same documents available on LearnYBK.com are also available on Google Drive. The answer keys are there as well.
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