Herff Jones Adviser Assistance
Great stories begin with great interviews
We know it’s easy to slide into go, go, go production mode. And this year, interviews are especially hard to come by. On top of that, many students struggle with the shift to journalistic writing because it’s not like the writing styles they’ve learned for English class. For these reasons, we recommend taking a timeout to focus on interviewing and writing.
Even if your interviews are happening over Zoom or FaceTime, they’re still a critical part of telling great stories. Here are some resources to get you started.
Resources for teaching interviewing:
1. Don't miss Pivot Project Live: If you missed any of the Pivot Project Live webinars, they are all on this page for future reference. Many of them deal with the intricacies of getting coverage and writing stories when school is hybrid or virtual. Check them out. We promise, you'll feel better about your YBK life.
2. Hunt and gather: Not all interviews need to be formal ones. Find out more about informal interviews here.
3. Work the beats: Another approach to covering every event is to assign beats to your reporters. Here’s a guide for students.
Have you given your school a peek at their book yet?
Letting students (and their parents) know that their important moments and memories of the school year are being preserved for them makes them more likely to buy a book. That’s especially true when times are tight. Posting photos and sneak peeks builds interest and demand for your book.
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DID YOU KNOW? The same documents available on LearnYBK.com are also available on Google Drive. The answer keys are there as well.
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