
Reasons to Join Yearbook

We're here to keep it short and sweet: joining yearbook might…
January 29, 2025/by VARSITY YEARBOOK

Creative Book Sales Tips

Boost yearbook sales with these quick and effective strategies.…
January 22, 2025/by VARSITY YEARBOOK

Refresh your coverage

Feeling like your staff is in need of some new and creative ideas…
January 3, 2025/by VARSITY YEARBOOK

Congratulations to these NSPA Pacemakers Finalists!

National Scholastic Press Association has presented scholastic…
December 17, 2024/by Caroline Mattox

Congratulations to these CSPA Crown Finalists!

Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA) has recognized 19…
December 13, 2024/by VARSITY YEARBOOK

Covering Elections in Your Yearbook

ICYMI: It’s a presidential election year!
Whether it’s…
October 14, 2024/by VARSITY YEARBOOK

It’s National Yearbook Week!

Happy National Yearbook Week!
This special week is all about…
October 9, 2024/by VARSITY YEARBOOK

Here’s Your Yearbook Cover 101

The cover is the first impression of your yearbook and should…
September 26, 2024/by VARSITY YEARBOOK

It’s National School Picture Day!

It's National School Picture Day! Portrait pages are a key element…
September 12, 2024/by VARSITY YEARBOOK

Ready, Set, Get Inspired

As any seasoned adviser will tell you, ideas are everywhere and…
September 5, 2024/by VARSITY YEARBOOK
10 Tips for Selling Yearbook Ads

10 Tips for Selling Yearbook Ads

Selling copies of the yearbook is the most important source of…
August 26, 2024/by VARSITY YEARBOOK

Teach These First

To make teaching yearbook easier, we developed the Welcome to…
August 20, 2024/by VARSITY YEARBOOK
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