Getting to Know Your Team

Getting to Know Your Team

A well trained yearbook staff is a finely tuned machine where everyone chips in to help so that deadlines are met and the book is the best it can be. Done well, it is a true testament to the power of working together as a team. Unfortunately, most yearbook staffs don’t start their year with a complete group of seasoned members — and while some do — they still have new staff members who will need to become contributing members very quickly. It’s not uncommon for staffers who have been together for a while to have their share of inside jokes or to know each other’s favorite Starbucks order, which can be unsettling. How can you, as the adviser,  help your newbies become acclimated and accepted more easily and level the playing field? Enter the team building icebreaker.

Used properly, these icebreakers can serve several purposes: introducing everyone, seeing quickly who takes the lead and who prefers to follow and, during the assessment/discussion time, you can share how that activity relates to being on staff.

Team building icebreakers like these can also be used to alleviate stress during deadlines. Allowing staff members to blow off steam will help to keep things moving along productively instead of grinding to a halt because of negativity and frustration.

How are you using icebreakers and team building activities in your classroom? What are some of your favorites? We’d love to hear from you especially if you’re interested in sharing them for a future blog post. Please comment below.

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