More lesson ideas

Congratulations! Your book is done. Now what? Here are some ideas for online learning.

Start over: Grab our trusty theme packet and associated resources and assign away. Consider assigning individually and then in small (virtual) groups.

Keep on covering COVID: Coronavirus coverage should probably continue. Assign some stories for next year’s book or a supplement. Find coverage ideas here.

Yearbook pen pals: Reach out to other yearbook advisers — either in your area or across the country and set up virtual discussions between yearbook staffers of who have similar roles in your classrooms. Have them answer a list of questions and compare notes. What was the hardest part of the year up to school closures? How do you think the COVID pandemic will affect your yearbook next year? What your thoughts on media coverage (local, national, online.)

Letter to future staffers: If your staff is doing this activity from the email, you can use our resource from the Welcome section.

Staff scrapbook: Here’s another idea from the Welcome Section. This is a great project for students to work on individually — and it’s not too taxing for the times.

Students teach class: Running a Zoom room is a real-life skill! Assign each staffer to teach a class session. Here are some ideas.

Remember to sell books

With everything that’s happening in the world, parents and students will want a yearbook to remember what the year was like before the coronavirus. Make sure parents have every opportunity to purchase a book — consider using Send and Sell if you have a parent list, use social media or include a flyer with the next school newsletter. (Be careful not to oversell!) To help with this, we are extending the time your Yearbook Order Center can stay open. Check with your rep for more information.