Surviving the First Week / Month

Surviving the First Week Month

For both new advisers or seasoned veterans, the first day of school probably looks a little like this: meet new students, assign seats, review the syllabus, discuss classroom rules, check materials required for the class, share your expectations AND do an ice-breaker to get to know everyone. Phew, I’m exhausted and the real work hasn’t even begun, yet. How will you ever survive the rest of the week, let alone a full year? Not to worry, we’ve got you covered.

With a little bit of planning and the handy list you’ll find here, you’ll be on the path to a successful year. There’s another list perfect for the first month of school and more lists exist for each month of the year. Plus, we’ve done separate lists for major yearbook events like ad campaigns, ladder planning and preparing for your distribution event and so much more. By using these, you can set the stage for a successful year with some concrete plans.

We’d love to hear any tips you have for surviving the first week of school so please share them below in the comments.